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Friday, November 14, 2008

Pakistan and passports. Jawad sent me this: "Pakistan government does not just put religion on the passport. That would be too easy, since Ahmedis would list themselves as Muslims. It goes one step further and requires the following solemn and obnoxious declarations:
1. I am a Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophet hood of Hazrat Muhemmed (peace be upon him) the last of the Prophets.
2. I do not recognize any who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or any description whatsoever after Hazrat Muhemmed (peace be upon him) or recognize such a claimant as a prophet or a religious reformer as Muslim.
3. I consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to be an impostor nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori, Qadiani or Mirzai groups, to be non-Muslims.
See for yourself at
. BTW this was a gift from the "Liberal" government of daddy Bhutto in the 70's".

PS Sultan sent me this clarification: "a clarification on the passport issue: "The wording on your page 'gift of daddy Bhutto' makes it appear that the passport declaration was from Ali Bhutto's time. It actually began with General Zia. The statement of religion in the passport was almost dropped by Musharraf but retained when the mullahs were outraged. Bhutto's role was to declare Ahmadis non-Muslims via an amendment to the constitution."


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